The Johnsons
(Scott, Beve, Wes, Ray, & Kyle)

Wedding Pics
Personal Info:
- Email address: Scott@IowaJohnsons.Com
Age: 62 years old
Residence: DES MOINES
State: IA
Country: USA
What can I say? I'm a computer nerd...
I've only been on the Net for about a decade now, but I have been around computers since about 1986. I started out on an Apple //e (my first love)
and still have several Apple ][gs's which are pretty much in mothballs at this point.
I work at Amcor Flexibles NA (formerly Bemis, formerly Alcan, formerly Pechiney Plastic Packaging Inc., formerly American National Can Co.) in the
warehouse department and terrorize the pedestrians on a daily basis with the aid of a forklift. Not much can be said for my aim since I haven't
tagged anyone in over 30 years...
At the risk of stating the painfully obvious...I am into computers. I have pretty much built my own PC from parts and upgraded
it multiple times over the years. It started out as a bare 286 and has progressed from there to the present which is an AMD Phenom 9550 quad core
with 2 gigs of RAM, about 1.2 TB HD space, a Plextor and Sony DVD burner, 27" LG wide flat screen (GREAT for surfing), and a Hauppauge Win-TV HVR-2250
dual TV tuner that runs all the time. I started running Microsoft DOS 3.3, but currently run Windows XP PRO SP3 and Windows 7 Pro in a dual
boot configuration.
I ran my own BBS on an Apple ][gs running Warp Six software for several years in the 90's.
It was mainly a conversation board with no earth shattering content but we enjoyed ourselves. The trivia game I wrote was also a big hit with the
people who frequented my board. I was working on updating the BBS software to version 3.0 with the blessings of the original author, Jim Ferr, and
had the beta version up and running on my BBS but I was still working on the installer and the documentation. I had hoped to finish it up someday
but free time eluded me and BBSs are now pretty much a thing of the past... Version 3.0 never saw a release. BUT WAIT! It actually HAS been released!!
Follow the link below if you're interested. ;)
These are some other sites I run...
- The Warp Six Home Page
- The FFB-Vert Home Page
- Goldwing Road Riders Assn. Chapter A
A handy program I sometimes need...
If you've called me for help and I need to remote into your computer to fix it, this is the file you need. First, download this file by
clicking on it and follow the instructions for the browser you are using.
Team Viewer
If you use Firefox:
Choose the SAVE FILE option and click OK. In the upper right of the screen you will see a little downward facing arrow. Click on it and you should see listed. Click on
it and a window will open listing TeamViewer.exe. Double click on this file. Respond to any warning dialogs to allow the program to RUN and
install. Follow the list of instructions below...
If you use Chrome:
In the lower left you should see the file downloading. Click the upward arrow ( ^ ) beside it and click the OPEN or OPEN WHEN DONE option.
A window will open listing TeamViewer.exe. Double click on this file. Respond to any warning dialogs to allow the program to RUN and
install. Follow the list of instructions below...
If you use Internet Explorer:
Choose the SAVE option. You'll see a save bar pop up at the bottom of the screen. Click on OPEN. A window will open listing TeamViewer.exe.
Double click on this file. Respond to any warning dialogs to allow the program to RUN and install. Follow the list of instructions below...
Installation instructions:
- In the installer window, choose BASIC INSTALLATION and PERSONAL/NON-COMMERCIAL USE by clicking the little circle in front of those choices.
- Click the ACCEPT button
- When installation completes, Double click the "TeamViewer 13" icon on your desktop
- when I call you on the phone, give me YOUR ID and PASSWORD
That should get us going!
Page created by: Scott@IowaJohnsons.Com
Changes last made on:
Sunday January 29, 2023 at 23:35:00